Classic Bright Bouquet
The Classic Bright Bouquet is a radiant splash of color for any occasion. This joyful arrangement features a stunning mix of seasonal blooms in a vibrant palette, from bold reds and vivid pinks to soothing lavenders. Lush, textured foliage adds depth and charm, making this bouquet a timeless and captivating centerpiece. Available in sizes ranging from Small Bouquet to Extravagant in Vase.
The images are indicative of the flowers and arrangement style used. Flowers will be used based on seasonal availability. If you require more specific details on flowers available by all means contact our florist direct on (03) 9428 0062.
Please be advised that same day orders will be delivered/ready for collection in the afternoon. The cut off time for same day orders is 1:00pm. Delivery is only available within 40km of our Richmond store.